If you’re looking to get the most out of your Rimworld farm, you’ll need to know which crops are the most valuable. In this blog post, we’ll uncover the best crops to grow in Rimworld, so you can maximize your profits.

Best Crops for a Desert Colony/Poor Soil Colony

The best crops for a desert colony/poor soil colony in Rimworld depend on the region and the kind of crop desired. Choose crops that are best suited to the local environment, which typically means plants that use less water and thrive in a semi-arid climate. Alfalfa, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, pumpkins, and squash are a few nice choices.

Pay great attention to your irrigation system and soil fertility to enhance production in these challenging situations. If you have access to organic stuff, such as manure, use it on a regular basis. You should also prepare for dry times by investing in effective irrigation methods like drip irrigation or furrows, or by storing huge volumes of water for use during dry spells. Finally, mulch or other organic material should be used around the roots of your plants; this will assist retain moisture and protect them from heat and wind harm.


When it comes to growing crops in Rimworld, potatoes are an excellent choice. They not only offer higher yields and a longer preseason time than other plants, but they also have a highly appealing synthetic odor. This odor may be utilized to lure additional animals to your base as well as to trade with other players.

Potatoes are easy to grow on almost any type of soil, but it’s best to plant them in well-drained areas where the moisture won’t be excessive. Planting your potatoes early in the season is important since they won’t reach their full size until later in the summer. If you’re looking for a reliable crop with lots of uses, then potatoes are definitely worth considering.

Best Crops for Starting Colonies

Best Crops for Starting Colonies is a section dedicated to assisting Rimworld players in determining which crops are most suitable for their colonies and homesteads. By enabling players to choose from a broad range of crops and develop the kind of colony they had in mind, Rimworld, a colony-building game, promises endless replayability.

Each crop has benefits and drawbacks, and choosing the appropriate crop for each scenario might make the difference between success and failure. By looking at crop fertility, climatic adaptability, how rapidly they generate food, and other characteristics, this topic examines which crops are ideal for colonizing. This topic discusses how various crops should be handled throughout time to guarantee sustained success, in addition to examining which crops are optimal for beginning a new colony.


In the Rimworld game, rice is among the greatest crops to farm. This crop is excellent for producing large yields, making it an excellent option for mega sloth wool. If fertilized and well-watered, rice will sprout up fast and produce more. Rice may take a little more labor than other crops since it thrives in wetter conditions, but it will be well worth the effort.

Rice may be used in a variety of dishes, such as stir-fries and casseroles, once it has been harvested. This crop may also be used to brew beer, and its fibers can be used to weave clothing and create sloth wool. Players should plan correctly while planting rice since it needs a cold season to thrive well.

Best Crops for the Late Game

Late game crops in Rimworld are ones that will assist you go farther than early game crops. Late-season crops have larger yields and longer growth cycles. When your base has expanded greatly in size and you need to generate more food to support it, late game crops are best suited for lengthy play.

Some of the greatest late game crops include:

  • Corn – grows quickly and produces large yields.
  • Potatoes – may be grown in a long row on numerous tiles, taking up less room than other vegetables, although they need more irrigation than corn and haygrass.
  • Pumpkins – provide the most food of any vegetable in Rimworld and have a short growth cycle.
  • Haygrass – swiftly regrows after being chopped down, giving your base with stable amounts of food over long periods of time without the need to replant each season.
  • Chilies – take up less room than other vegetables and offer your colonists with medication when processed correctly.


Corn is a nourishing and delicious crop that grows easily in Rimworld. It is the most adaptable crop since it may be cooked in a variety of ways or crushed into flour for baking. Corn needs more water than other cereals and grows best in rich soil, making it excellent for growing on geothermally heated islands or near rivers and streams.

The color-coded mood bar is an easy-to-understand chart that helps players choose the best crops to plant in Rimworld depending on their biome’s climate and soil type. Corn, according to the mood bar, should be grown in neutral-to-cool temperatures with plenty of sunlight and appropriate hydration water. Corn will thrive and produce larger crops with higher yields if the circumstances are ideal. Corn can be kept for a long time without deteriorating, so players won’t lose their harvest if they can’t prepare it right away.

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