If you’re a PC gamer who also happens to own an Xbox One, you’ll be happy to know that you can use your controller to play games on your computer. Connect your controller to your PC using a micro USB cable. Open the Settings menu in Windows 10. Navigate to Devices. Select Add device, and then select your Xbox One controller. Your controller will now work with any game that supports controllers on Windows 10.
Why Use An Xbox One Controller On PC?
The Xbox One controller is a great alternative to a mouse and keyboard if you use your PC as an entertainment center in your living room, and it’s also a nice middle ground between a controller and a mouse and keyboard if you’re looking for something more than just a gamepad.
The Xbox One controller is also compatible with most games on the PC, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to play your favorite games.
How To Use An Xbox One Controller On PC?
To use an Xbox One controller on your PC, you will need a micro USB cable. You can use the cable that came with your Xbox One controller, or you can use any micro USB cable that is compatible with the controller. Once you have the cable, simply connect it to your controller and then to your PC. The controller will then be recognized by Windows 10 and will work with any game that supports controllers on the PC.
If you’re a PC gamer who also happens to own an Xbox One, you’ll be happy to know that you can use your controller to play games on your computer. Connect your controller to your PC using a micro USB cable.
You can also use an Xbox One controller on your PC wirelessly. To do this, you will need to purchase the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10. This adapter will allow you to connect your controller to your PC wirelessly. Simply connect the adapter to your PC and then follow the instructions that come with the adapter to connect your controller. Once your controller is connected, it will work with any game that supports controllers on the PC.
Why Wont my Xbox Controller Connect to my PC?
There are a few reasons why your Xbox One controller might not be connecting to your PC. The first thing you should do is check that your controller is properly charged. If your controller is low on battery, it will not connect to your PC. You can also try resetting your controller by pressing the small button on the back of the controller. If your controller still will not connect, you may need to update the firmware on your controller. You can do this by connecting your controller to your PC with a micro USB cable and then following the instructions that appear on your screen.
Wired Vs Wireless Xbox One Controllers
There are two types of Xbox One controllers: wired and wireless. Wired controllers use a micro USB cable to connect to your PC, while wireless controllers connect to your PC via the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10. Both types of controllers will work with any game that supports controllers on the PC. If you’re looking for the best gaming experience, you should use a wired controller.

Wired controllers have less input lag than wireless controllers, so you’ll get the best performance when playing games on your PC. However, if you don’t want to be tethered to your PC, a wireless controller is a great option. Wireless controllers allow you to play games from anywhere in your home, and they’re perfect for playing games on your PC when you’re not near your computer.
There are two types of Xbox One controllers: wired and wireless. Wired controllers use a micro USB cable to connect to your PC, while wireless controllers connect to your PC via the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10.
PC Games That Support Gamepads
Almost all PC games support gamepads, so you’ll be able to use your Xbox One controller with almost any game. However, there are a few games that do not support gamepads.