Surviving your first Raid on Escape from Tarkov is not so difficult a task; you just need the right set of information. But one thing is for sure; you’ll die many times before that long-awaited victory. So, you can’t expect to hunker down behind cover for all the minutes of the raid. Your enemies will always find their way to your location. As such, you need to be ready for those unassuming fights. Also, you’ll need to go out there and gather loot and money whenever possible in order to be prepared. So, follow the tips in this article to boost your survival chances. Hacks from can also keep you ahead of the opposition.

7 Survival Tips for Your First Raid in Escape From Tarkov

Always Have Some Armor On

Escape from Tarkov has armor with varying classes. The higher the armor class, the higher its resistance to heavy bullets. However, armor will eventually stop protecting you from damage after a while. Since you’re just starting, you may not have enough Rubles to afford high-class armor. So, spend on some level 2 or 3 armor. More so, take some extra armor for replacements to ensure your safety along the way.

Sound Can Alert Enemies of Your Presence

Most times, you may not need to engage in a fight before you get killed. However, an enemy who spots you and takes a hidden route to ambush you will always win the fight. A common sound that can give you away to your enemy is your footsteps. Your footsteps get louder when you sprint. Only sprint when an enemy has spotted you, and you’re trying to cover distance faster. Also, always keep your ears open for your opponent’s footsteps.

Equip Yourself With Caution

Only enter fights with weapons which you have a fair understanding of. An expensive weapon will stay useless in your arms if you don’t know how to use it. On the other hand, if you just spent some Rubles on a gun, it’s equally as important to practice with that gun in the practice range. In addition to weapons and armor, it is a good idea to get some extra ammo. Also, you’ll need extra magazines and sights to improve your weapon.

Escape from Tarkov has armor with varying classes. The higher the armor class, the higher its resistance to heavy bullets. However, armor will eventually stop protecting you from damage after a while.

Don’t Rush Blindly Into Fights

You must only engage in fights if the odds are in your favor. Sometimes, it’s a wise choice to run from fights. Scenarios where fleeing is a good option are those in which you’re outnumbered or your opponents are wielding a heavy-duty weapon that you cannot match. If you’ve been on ETF for a while, you can differentiate heavy weapons from lighter pistols by the sound they make. Not to mention, if an enemy hasn’t seen you yet, never take a shot at him unless you’re sure of hitting the target.

Offline Practice Can Keep You Prepared

There are many things you won’t pay attention to in the heat of battle. Thankfully, there’s the offline mode where you only have yourself, scavs, and the map to play with. Scavs won’t trouble you until you attack them first. You can take advantage of these modes to learn the maps and better understand the game. Additionally, you can do some work to improve your aiming. Finally, we recommend that you use tarkov arena cheats as a warm up exercise before your online raid.

You’ll Need Some Medication to Survive

Your armor only covers your vital body parts. So, if a bullet from a sniper rifle damages your limbs, you’ll be incapacitated. Thankfully, there are medkits that you can use to heal faster. The Field Surgical Kit (Surv12) and the First Aid Kit are noteworthy healing items available in the game. While most of these items will take some time before you completely heal, they’re better than just staying without help. We advise that you bind these items to your hotkeys for quick access.

One of the biggest advantages of the offline mode is that players can use it to learn several things, including the maps. Some notable locations you should take note of are loot spawns and enemy spawns.

Know Your Surroundings

One of the biggest advantages of the offline mode is that players can use it to learn several things, including the maps. Some notable locations you should take note of are loot spawns and enemy spawns.

You should also pay attention to the different routes that allow you to traverse the map faster. Take note that the best way to learn the maps is to understand one map before moving to the next.


If you’ve had any experience in any shooter game before now, understanding Escape from Tarkov will require minimal effort. However, to survive raids, you must avoid situations that will likely kill you. Always keep your character plated up all the time – even if it’s the lowest armor class as this will protect you from significant damage, at least for a while. Lastly, some practice hours will help you know your weapons and the map.